endelevu [en-de-LEH-voo] = sustainable (in Kiswahili)

Wherever in the world your site is, there are the same basic technical constraints and opportunities that govern what can be developed there.


Call them the Laws of Nature!



These factors need to be holistically understood and carefully managed at each stage of development, in order to deliver truly sustainable development.



We balance environmental bearability, social value and economic prosperity

to achieve the best possible outcomes for land development and long-term asset management,

drawing on two decades of Civil Engineering and Technical Project Management expertise,

and a proven track record of delivering value to Clients from a range of sectors.


Strategic Infrastructure means all major roads, drainage, utilities services, public realm and community assets
(including parks, nature reserves, playgrounds, schools and other publicly accessible buildings)


Technical Project Management

Project Director

Commercial / Technical / "Critical Friend" Advice

Sustainable Development CPD

Keynote Speaker

Media Spokesperson

Licensed 'Envirocheck' Reseller



Our Mission is to ensure our Clients have the right advice at the right time;

Providing Technical Advice for Equitable Development.

Our Vision is:


 We are simply "endelevu".

Need a sustainable technical / engineering design solution for your land development?


Or looking for an engaging and experienced Keynote Speaker, or some practical Sustainable Development CPD for your technical teams?


NEW! Licensed "Envirocheck" Reseller to provide enhanced technical due diligence on site acquisitions


Get in touch!

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Endelevu Ltd. is a Registered Company number 14711374.